mohammed khalaf

منذ 3 سنوات · 1 دقائق وقت القراءة · ~100 ·

مدونة mohammed
Marketing art

Marketing art

A professor explains to his students about marketing By giving them amusing examples from the real world: 




1- You saw a beautiful girl at a party I went to her And I said, "I'm rich, marry me." *THIS IS DIRECT MARKETING* *(direct marketing)* 

2- You saw a beautiful girl at a party So one of your friends went to her He pointed to you and said to her: He's rich, marry him. *This is advertising*

 3- A beautiful girl came to you and said: "You're rich, marry me!" *THIS IS THE BRAND KNOWLEDGE* *(brand recognition)* 

4. You told her, "I'm rich, marry me." I slapped you in the face, *This is the customer's opinion* *(customer feedback)* 

5- You went to her and before she said anything Someone else came "I'm rich, marry me," he said. *This is the competition* *(competition)* 

6- You proposed to her She introduced you to her husband... This is the gap between supply and demand. *(supply and demand gap)

7-You went to her and before she said anything Your wife came... *These are the restrictions that prevent you from entering new markets* *(Restriction from entering new market)* Nice and interesting accurate description ^^ 


mohammed khalaf

منذ سنة#2

#1 Thank you for share @Bill 

Bill Stankiewicz

منذ سنة#1

ASUPER BUZZ, love the diagram!! 


Bill Stankiewicz

Professor FORKLIFT SAFETY TRAINING/OSHA/ VR Virtual Reality Training



Savannah Supply Chain-CEO

Office: 1.404.750.3200

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